COVID and the Education of Young Children:

 A major consequence of the lockdown was the loss of school facilities and services, throwing Britain back to the times of the Victorians. The majority of children were educated and fed at home, with some returning to the same state repeatedly. The national welfare state was dismantled into millions of private ones, and the domestic soundtrack became more prominent in young children's lives. Professor Binks Neate-Evans, who leads research at the National College of Education, explains why this was so.

Impact of school closures on children's mental health:

The effects of school lockdowns and school closures on children's mental health are well-documented. In England, for example, school closures were linked to an increase in suicide rates. However, it's unclear whether the effects of social isolation outlast the pandemic. However, a recent study examined the impact of school closures and lockdowns on children and adolescents. They found that children who missed more school days suffered more from depression and anxiety than students who did not miss as much time.

In one study, the COVID-19 school closures had a negative impact on children's mental and physical health. As a result, mothers reported that children's hyperactivity, indiscipline, and lack of inhibitions self-control were increased. Children's uncooperative behaviour was associated with their mothers' emotional exhaustion. In another study, Florida school closures were linked to a decrease in allegations of child maltreatment. However, school closures were not linked to a decrease in adolescent suicide.

Impact of school closures on women's mental health:

The impact of school closings on women's mental health is still unclear, but the study has a few key findings. Among other things, the closure of schools affects the likelihood of women experiencing depressive symptoms or trait-anger. Full school closures had a large effect on these mental health measures, but the effects on trait-anger were small. However, the study suggests that closures of schools can have an overall positive impact on a woman's mental health.


In a study, academics analyzed the psychological health of over 1,500 parents. They focused on the mental health of children aged four to 12 years old, and whether school closures affected parents' mental health. They also assessed whether children would return to school in June or September. Parents' personal distress levels were higher than they were before the school closure. Regardless of the severity of the school closings, the effect of school closures on women's mental health was significantly increased.

Impact of school closures on early help services:

The impact of prolonged school closures is significant and disrupts the lives of children and families. Closures of schools are not only harmful to the educational system; they also deprive children of the most basic space for stability and development. Nonacademic services such as health and nutrition assistance, obesity prevention, and intervention in cases of homelessness and maltreatment also rely on school facilities to provide essential services. This article examines the physical and emotional toll of school closures and the withdrawal of essential non-academic supports.

Author Bio:

Miguel Gabriel is a research-based content writer. He has worked in various industries, including healthcare, technology, and finance. He is currently working as a writer in Research Prospect famous for dissertation writing services and Report writing services. When Miguel is not writing or researching, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He also loves travelling and learning about new cultures.
